I must be nutz!!! Truly, I'm afraid to introduce this next design since it means there is no turning back I HAVE to do it! Lol, thankfully I believe it will be worth the effort in the end, but OY! the time it is going to take, please don't expect to see as many patterns from Gracewood Stitches as I introduced in the last two years. I stitch my own models and I don't go on to the next design until the one I'm working on is almost done.
I guess I shouldn't be so intimidated though, I thought Iris Celadon would be a killer, but here I am almost done - pictures next weekend, Lord willing! - and it went much faster and easier than I had anticipated. So I'm hoping that 'Beauvais', which is just slightly larger will also pleasantly surprise me, I HOPE!
Beauvais |
See what I mean? LOL
My inspiration for Beauvais comes from my love of textiles. From far Eastern intricately woven silks to vintage utilitarian cottons, linens and wool fabrics, I am mesmerized by the patterns that can be achieved. I wish I was a sewer, quilter or weaver so that I could have the joy of diving into textiles from modern to vintage and creating some remarkable items, but I'm afraid I never learned those things in my youth and all attempts since have left me more than frustrated and annoyed at my lack of such abilities.
But! Thankfully, I can create them in the way I know best by designing my own 'fabrics' for cross stitch or needlepoint. I love vintage French fabric so for my first 'cross stitch textile' I created one with a French flavor and chose the name, Beauvais, for the lovely city in northern France. I also like the fact that 'beau vais' translates to Goodwill.
This design uses the Assissi technique of stitching the background and leaving the design area open. On an 18 count aida fabric the pattern will measure 14.5" square, stitch count 263 x 263, in two colors of floss, a dark delft blue and a lighter sky blue.
I need to seriously take a break now, glad it is a weekend, hope all of the mothers among you will have a lovely Mothers Day tomorrow!