The pattern is charted in DMC and here are the conversions to HDF -
DMC 743 Yello-md to HDF Gold Rush 4229
DMC 740 Tangerine to HDF Gold Rush 4233
DMC 741 Tangerine-md to HDF Gold Rush 4231
DMC 921 Copper to HDF Terra Potta 4321
DMC 919 Red Copper to HDF Terra Potta 4325
As you can see it is going pretty quickly and I'm happy with the feeling it is evoking.

While much of the east coast of the US is having record breaking heat, there are a lot of places experiencing record breaking cool temps though you rarely hear about them. I'm thankful to say we've been one of them. Wherever you are, I hope you're having an enjoyable summer and having some happy stitching time! :)