How happy am I that I have finally been able to have no interruptions and have completed the model for Lace Traces~Bursts of Blue? Answer, VERY! lol, this poor model had to be put down so many times so I could complete other deadlines but now it looks happily back at me and makes me realize the wait was worth it. It is a beauty, if I do say so myself 😉
Lace Traces~Bursts of Blue |
This pattern is now for sale on my
I hope to get the fourth design in this Lace Traces series started soon, though first I need to design another ornament for this year's Just Cross Stitch special Ornament edition. Designing something that necessarily small is hard for me, so it will surely take some time.
In the meantime, as January's last day is here and another 8" of snow is forecast this weekend, I thought I'd share what a scenic wonder Gracewood can be wrapped in winter! I love having four seasons and will joyfully plant tomatoes as soon as possible, but oh how I love our home snuggled in for winter! Have a lovely February wherever you are!
One gate we won't be using for awhile.
Jasper thinks all weather is frisbee weather.
You may remember the young fawn who'd losts its mother that we were feeding last year? Well thankfully, she is back and looking gorgeous. She still comes right up to the back porch and licks her lips to let us know she is hungry, here she is with one of her favorites - a carrot.