Lace Traces~Spun Plum |
This one is so close to finishing I hate to stop for anything. I've given it the name Spun Plum since it really has so much motion in it just calling it 'plum' wasn't enough. I think it will work well with the first in the Lace Traces series, Shades of Jade, and I'm looking forward to putting them together like quilt blocks for a wall hanging.
I had to stop stitching for a few days to get another new design together to submit to a well known cross stitch magazine, or it would have been done by now. It is a fun stitch, but then I love stitching Assisi style.
I've also spent a bit more time in the garden, though Terry does most of the actual 'work', I am in charge of what gets planted where, starting seeds and general fertilizing schedules and all of it is such a joy. I am always thankful we live in a place where we can have a garden.
Eden Rose |
The roses have gone nutz and are blooming their hearts out and sending up massive new canes. Eden is a beautiful rose, not as fragrant as some but oh I love their old rose form.
Heirloom Tomatoes |
I admit I went insane with heirloom tomatoes this year, reading those descriptions from heirloom seed sellers on ebay who could resist tomatoes like, Siberian Black, Lemon Drop, Russian Pink (where we live the cold country seeds grow best), Jeanne Flaum, and of course we had to have Violet Jasper! Twenty tomato plants, what was I thinking?
Speaking of Jasper, here he is on gopher duty.
Jasper saying come on out little gopher.
Snow Peas are needing picking daily and yes, more tomatoes! |
Lettuce LOVES shade! |
I hope you are having a good June in your part of the world and making time to stitch as well as work :)