Monday, September 26, 2011

Trust Pattern & Tips on Creating Covers for Publication

Here are two photos of Trust, one camera setting shows it very true to the royal blue fabric I'm using, and the other setting made the fabric more purple but since some may like it with that background I thought I'd share both.

When I was contemplating creating leaflets of my patterns for ICG to publish I knew it was time to find software to create something professional looking for the covers.

Image editing software, with the exception of simple things like Irfanview or Paint, are just too complicated for me to enjoy using and after doing some extensive research I went with Microsoft Publisher 2010. Since I'd not used anything like it before, I also signed up for a month's worth of online classes at and I highly recommend this site for all sorts of practical instructions for many types of programs.

If you page down a bit you can see how the new leaflets look. I'm slowly transferring my designs to the PCStitch Pro 9 software and as I finish each I'm creating the new leaflets and listing them with ICG.

Since I know that there are no corrections for Trust's pattern I'll be moving it to the for sale section in a few days. If you want a free copy please contact me soon.

I'll be introducing a new fall themed design in a few days as well.

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